On 14Oct05:2254+0200, Andreas Barth wrote:

> Also, the re-evaluation happened. It however didn't had the outcome
> you wanted (basically because the web browser needs so many security
> updates which only could be done by backporting all of it that the
> embedded copy doesn't make any difference - this is an exceptional
> thing which does happen but not very often. I can understand it, and
> of course it's the call of the security team how to ensure that Debian
> has security updates. I hadn't know that at the time I though about
> the possibility, otherwise I would have already achived at that moment
> at the conclusion).

Where are the minutes of the re-evaluation?
<not cent from sell>
May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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