On Thu, 21 Aug 2014 19:26:44 -0400 (EDT)
Stephen Powell <zlinux...@wowway.com> wrote:

> Here are the last few instructions prior to the failure on the failing
> version, thanks to the CP TRACE facility under z/VM on a real IBM z/890:
>      0000000000002A78   STG     E310F0A80024 >> 000000000000FEB0     CC 2
>      0000000000002A7E   LG      E32030000004    00000000000001B0     CC 2
>      0000000000002A84   LG      E31030080004    00000000000001B8     CC 2
>      0000000000002A8A   STG     E34030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 2
>      0000000000002A90   LA      4140F0A0  = 000000000000FEA8     CC 2
>      0000000000002A94   LARL    C0500000000B    CC 2
>      0000000000002A9A   STG     E35040080024 >> 000000000000FEB0     CC 2
>      0000000000002AA0   STG     E35030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 2
>      0000000000002AA6   LPSWE   B2B2F0A0    000000000000FEA8     CC 0
>      0000000000002AAA   LMG     EBDFF0B00004    ????????????????     CC 0
>      0000000000002AB0   STG     E32030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 0
>      0000000000002AB6   STG     E31030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 0
>      0000000000002ABC   BR      07FE     -> 00000000000032E6     CC 0
>   -> 00000000000032E6   LH      48100086    0000000000000086     CC 0
>      00000000000032EA   BRU     A7F40001 -> 00000000000032EC     CC 0
>   -> 00000000000032EC   ????    0001
>  *** 00000000000032EC       PROG    0001 -> 00000000000039A8
> And here is what appears to be the equivalent code on the working
> version, compiled under wheezy:
>     0000000000002A38   STG     E310F0A80024 >> 000000000000FEA0     CC 2
>     0000000000002A3E   LG      E32030000004    00000000000001B0     CC 2
>     0000000000002A44   LG      E31030080004    00000000000001B8     CC 2
>     0000000000002A4A   STG     E34030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 2
>     0000000000002A50   LA      4140F0A0  = 000000000000FE98     CC 2
>     0000000000002A54   LARL    C0500000000B    CC 2
>     0000000000002A5A   STG     E35040080024 >> 000000000000FEA0     CC 2
>     0000000000002A60   STG     E35030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 2
>     0000000000002A66   LPSWE   B2B2F0A0    000000000000FE98     CC 0
>     0000000000002A6A   LMG     EBDFF0B00004    ????????????????     CC 0
>     0000000000002A70   STG     E32030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 0
>     0000000000002A76   STG     E31030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 0
>     0000000000002A7C   BR      07FE     -> 00000000000032C0     CC 0
>  -> 00000000000032C0   LLGH    E31000860091    0000000000000086     CC 0
>     00000000000032C6   CHI     A71E1004    CC 2
>     00000000000032CA   BRZ     A784000A    00000000000032DE     CC 2
>     ...
> And on we go from there.  The BRU instruction in the first sequence
> is clearly bad.  In assembler language format, the equivalent instruction
> would be "BRU   *+2".  This is a bad branch.  The instruction branches
> into the middle of itself, picking up "0001" as the next machine instruction,
> which causes an operation exception.  Since the failing "instruction"
> starts at storage address 32EC, and is two bytes long, that means that
> the updated instruction address in the PSW at the time of the program
> interruption will be 32EE, which is the value used in the disabled wait
> PSW.

Hi Stephen,

You can get a disassembly for the eckd boot loader code when you go
to s390-tools/zipl/boot and:

1) make
2) objdump -S eckd2.exec > eckd2.list

I think the corresponding code in zipl is load_wait_psw() in libc.c:

__attribute__ ((noinline)) void load_wait_psw(uint64_t psw_mask, struct psw_t 
        struct psw_t wait_psw = { .mask = psw_mask, .addr = 0 };
    2df6:       e3 20 f0 a0 00 24       stg     %r2,160(%r15)
        struct psw_t old_psw, *wait_psw_ptr = &wait_psw;
        unsigned long addr;

        old_psw = *psw;
        psw->mask = 0x0000000180000000ULL;
    2dfc:       e3 10 30 00 00 24       stg     %r1,0(%r3)
        asm volatile(
    2e02:       41 20 f0 a0             la      %r2,160(%r15)
        struct psw_t wait_psw = { .mask = psw_mask, .addr = 0 };
        struct psw_t old_psw, *wait_psw_ptr = &wait_psw;
        unsigned long addr;

        old_psw = *psw;
    2e06:       e3 10 30 08 00 04       lg      %r1,8(%r3)
        psw->mask = 0x0000000180000000ULL;
        asm volatile(
    2e0c:       c0 50 00 00 00 0b       larl    %r5,2e22 <load_wait_psw+0x5a>
    2e12:       e3 50 20 08 00 24       stg     %r5,8(%r2)
    2e18:       e3 50 30 08 00 24       stg     %r5,8(%r3)
    2e1e:       b2 b2 f0 a0             lpswe   160(%r15)
                ".Lwait:        \n"
                : [addr] "=&d" (addr)
                : [wait_psw] "Q" (wait_psw), [wait_psw_ptr] "a" (wait_psw_ptr),
                  [psw] "a" (psw)
                : "cc", "memory");
        *psw = old_psw;
    2e22:       e3 40 30 00 00 24       stg     %r4,0(%r3)
    2e28:       e3 10 30 08 00 24       stg     %r1,8(%r3)
    2e2e:       eb df f0 b0 00 04       lmg     %r13,%r15,176(%r15)
    2e34:       07 fe                   br      %r14

load_wait_psw() is called from wait():

static inline int wait(void)
        do {
    33d0:       e3 20 d0 00 00 04       lg      %r2,0(%r13)
    33d6:       a7 39 01 b0             lghi    %r3,432
    33da:       c0 e5 ff ff fc f7       brasl   %r14,2dc8 <load_wait_psw>
                if (S390_lowcore.ext_int_code == 0x1004)
    33e0:       e3 10 00 86 00 91       llgh    %r1,134
    33e6:       a7 1e 10 04             chi     %r1,4100
    33ea:       a7 74 00 06             jne     33f6 <sclp_wait_for_int+0x9a>
    33ee:       a7 28 00 02             lhi     %r2,2
    33f2:       a7 f4 00 08             j       3402 <sclp_wait_for_int+0xa6>
                        return ETIMEOUT;
        } while (S390_lowcore.ext_int_code != 0x2401);
    33f6:       a7 1e 24 01             chi     %r1,9217
    33fa:       a7 74 ff eb             jne     33d0 <sclp_wait_for_int+0x74>
    33fe:       a7 28 00 00             lhi     %r2,0

Would be interesting how the disassembly looks on your system.


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