
now this looks like a gconf glitch. Please create a new user on your
system, log in with your window manager and try to start revelation.

If this works, then something with your account is broken, if not we
have to keep on looking.


Johannes Graumann wrote:
> "mkdir /etc/gconf/schemas/"
> and "cd /etc/gconf/schemas/ && ln 
> -s /usr/share/gconf/schemas/revelation.schemas" solved my problem.
> Joh
> On Monday 05 December 2005 10:11, Stefan Völkel wrote:
>>please try to locate the file: revelation.schemas
>>seems like your installation tries to, find it here:
>>      29072 access("/etc/gconf/schemas/revelation.schemas", F_OK) = -1
>>      ENOENT (No such file or directory)
>>the location where it should be is:
>>      /usr/share/gconf/schemas/revelation.schemas
>>What Window Manager are you using?
>>      Stefan

Stefan Völkel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Millenux GmbH                              mobile: +49.170.79177.17
Lilienthalstraße 2                          phone: +49.711.88770.300
70825 Stuttgart-Korntal                       fax: +49.711.88770.349
     -= linux without limits -=- http://linux.zSeries.org/ =-

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