Saxon-B 9.1 does not include copies of these resources. 

You can always write a URIResolver and direct the request to copies held at 
application level, but it can't be done "behind the scenes".

My recommendation would be to move forward to a later Saxon release that fixes 
the problem. The current release is 9.5. We have no plans to issue further 
maintenance releases for 9.1, although we do appreciate that some users have 
been sticking with that release because of the discontinuities introduced 
between 9.1 and 9.2.

Michael Kay

On 28 Jan 2014, at 13:28, Eugene Zhukov <> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for your previous replay.
> I checked with tcpdump and Wireshark that requests are made to
> [0]. Hence the failure without network.
> Could you please elaborate how to patch Saxonb to redirect
> those requests to a local copy held within Saxon itself?
> You can find previous discussion here:
> [0]
> Thanks & Regards,
> Eugene

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