On 27.12.2013 00:33, Geoff wrote:

>> your package fails to build in a clean unstable chroot:
> I cannot reproduce it with "pbuilder --build ./glances_1.7.3-1.dsc".
> The package builds fine.

I use sbuild with a schroot chroot on lvm, which (as you point out
later) doesn't provide a /etc/mtab file.

>>> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/mtab'
>> (Followed by another bunch of similar errors)
> In my previous experiences with chrooted build environment I remember
> "/etc/mtab" was not replicated in the chroot (using schroot for instance).
> I'm wondering then if this is actually an issue in glances packaging.
> I believe '/etc/mtab' should exist on regular environment.

I believe starting with Wheezy, /etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts
[1], but that of course doesn't/shouldn't concern chroots. According to
the glibc documentation, however, software shouldn't rely on the
existence of the mtab file:
"Note that the fstab and mtab files are maintained on a system by
convention. It is possible for the files not to exist or not to be
consistent with what is really mounted or available to mount" [2]

Which makes me think that glances should be ported to use /proc/mounts


Andreas Moog, Berliner Str. 29, 36205 Sontra/Germany
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