
Please calm down.

1) I made a small change to the what Abou proposed, because his script
did not work on my system (amd64) so most "issues" you mention are
actually proposed by Abou. I think, but he can speak for himself, that
he wanted more or less the same as in Lazarus.

Actually, I really was doubting if I would upload Abou's proposal and
already made a very low impact change instead (see below) but:
2) The release team already approved Abou's changes, so in the end I
decided to upload Abous's proposal, so that I was less "in the way" of
the real maintainers of fpc.

It seems I made a mistake, I will fix it. Do you think belows fix (minus
the version) is better, or do we (I think Abou will like that better) to
fix the new fixdeb with the same substr as in the rules file? Or even
pass the proper string to the script in the rules file (it is already
calculated there).

My proposal is to use my fix, as the rest of the script is proven to
work until now, and Abou can fix his fixdeb script for jessie.

diff -Nru fpc-2.6.0/debian/changelog fpc-2.6.0/debian/changelog
--- fpc-2.6.0/debian/changelog  2012-12-22 10:12:58.000000000 +0100
+++ fpc-2.6.0/debian/changelog  2013-04-12 18:49:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+fpc (2.6.0-7.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * NMU upload
+  * Removed auto-generation of debian/control during build process as required
+    by policy. (Closes: Bug#704252)
+ -- Paul Gevers <>  Fri, 12 Apr 2013 18:49:15 +0200
 fpc (2.6.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * Proofread templates by debian-l10n-english list. (Closes: Bug#686038)
diff -Nru fpc-2.6.0/debian/fixdeb fpc-2.6.0/debian/fixdeb
--- fpc-2.6.0/debian/fixdeb     2012-11-28 08:00:37.000000000 +0100
+++ fpc-2.6.0/debian/fixdeb     2013-04-12 18:59:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -27,5 +27,9 @@
 for i in $1/*.in
   j=`basename ${i} .in`
-  sed ${SUBST_CMD} ${i} > $1/${j/./${PACKAGESUFFIX}.}
+  if [ ${j} = 'control' ] ; then
+    echo "Skipping $i to prevent Debian bug #704252."
+  else
+    sed ${SUBST_CMD} ${i} > $1/${j/./${PACKAGESUFFIX}.}
+  fi

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