Am Sonntag, den 23.09.2012, 15:29 +0200 schrieb intrigeri:
> found 617409 3.4.1-3
> thanks
Dear intrigeri,

thank you for following up on this report without breaking
threading. ;-)

> I can reproduce this bug in my up-to-date Wheezy system with "Burn the
> image directly" enabled, and I can't if I disable this feature.


> What may I do to help fixing this bug for Wheezy?
> Is the "please try with that patch" thing up-to-date for Wheezy's
> Brasero 3.x?

Could you please take a look at #688229 [1]. Maybe you can provide
similar information (exact error, log files, …). Thomas helped me quite
a lot and maybe we can save him some time.

Maybe even open a separate bug report first.




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