On Wed, 12 Sep 2012 16:03:18 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:

> [ http://bugs.debian.org/687403 ]

> [0] from CPAN RT#78892:
> "If you update libio-async-perl to 0.52, you should find that the
> Epoll loop now skips those tests, because it doesn't declare
> (And the patch in 0.51-3 backports this 0.52 change.)

From staring at the patch:


++# Some Loop implementations do not accurately handle sub-second timers.
++# This only matters for unit tests
++use constant _CAN_SUBSECOND_ACCURATELY => 1;

++   SKIP: {
++      skip "Unable to handle sub-second timers accurately", 3 unless 

Should this be "_CAN_SUBSECOND_ACCURATELY => 0" to turn it off unless
some loop test explicitly sets it?

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