Hi Olivier,

On Fri, Sep 07, 2012 at 09:17:30AM +0200, olivier.sal...@codeless.fr wrote:
> >> MIT or GPL2
> Should be available here:
> https://github.com/vakata/jstree/tree/v.1.0/dist (there are 2 branches
> available, should check which branch match)
> >>
> >>>   user-manual/rsrc/System/JQueryPlugin/plugins/foswiki/jquery.foswiki.js
> >> http://foswiki.org/Extensions/JQueryPlugin
> >> GPL
> Could be
> https://github.com/foswiki/JQueryPlugin/tree/master/pub/System/JQueryPlugin/plugins/foswiki
> (branch should be checked too)

Those links are looking pretty close (I also checked the branches) and
after conversion using yui-compressor (which is used according to the
makefiles) the result smells somehow like the code in GNUmed but is
different enough to tell for sure that this is not the exact source file
which was used.

This leaves us with two options:

  1. Bother FowWiki upstream what they did really used (they must somehow
     have these files!)
  2. Replace the installed JS script by what we get via yui-compressor
     from the sources above (which might most probably work as well
     ... hopefully.

Finally there are the remaining files in


were I also failed finding the source.

Kind regards and thanks for checking



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