On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 07:34:50 -0400 Paul Tagliamonte wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 11:13:31AM +0200, Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:
> > 
> > First of all, these debian/copyright paragraphs fail to acknowledge that
> > the Joy theme is based on the Debian “Open Use” (without “Debian” word)
> > logo. But this may be fixed easily.
> ACK'd. I'll fix this tonight. Thank you!

You're welcome!

> > 
> > 
> > The major issue seems to be that the Joy plymouth theme mixes parts
> > released under CC-by-sa-v3.0 and parts released under GPLv2+.
> > Since CC-by-sa-v3.0 is incompatible with GPLv2+, I would say that the
> > resulting work is legally undistributable.
> This *might* be true if it was two bits of code that get linked
> together, but since Plymouth (and the plugin, which is GPLv2) only
> render the CC-BY-SA 3.0 work, it should be fine.

Well, if what you mean is that a GPL-licensed program loads a
CC-licensed image (as input data) and renders it on the screen, then it
seems that the license incompatibility is irrelevant.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but the debian/copyright file is not
very clear on this.
Hence, please, at least, clarify the debian/copyright file.

> I'll CC debian-leagl for comment

OK, I am keeping debian-legal copied.

> In this case, I'll modify this line to show the files that I edited are
> still GPLv2, and the images it's self is CC-BY-SA 3.0. No problem, no
> big deal.

Yes, please: as I said above, a clarification is needed.

> > 
> > Since everything else in the desktop-base package is GPL-compatible,
> > I strongly recommend to persuade Adrien Aubourg and Paul Tagliamonte
> I'm fine with whatever license comes up. I just wanted to keep
> consistancy.
> > to re-license their work under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
> > Or, at least, to dual-license it under CC-by-sa-v3.0 and GPLv2+.
> > (In the latter case, the complete text of CC-by-sa-v3.0 should be
> > included in the debian/copyright file, though.)

My recommendation is very much related to consistency.
Since rest of the package is all GPL-compatible, it would be really
great if this new theme were GPL-compatible as well.

Hence, I *still* recommend you to persuade Adrien Aubourg to re-license
(or dual-license) under GPLv2+ !
I really hope this may be achieved.

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