Bug #667664 is due to the latest versions of the libpcre3 library setting reg.re_nsub to an extremely large value and dansguardian trying to allocate memory for that many records and having malloc fail.
I've attached a patch for dansguardian which fixes this. I'll upload a delayed NMU tomorrow if there is no response. I am not certain that libpcre3 is doing the right thing here, but I am certain that dansguardian is doing the wrong thing in trying to blindly allocate more than 2^50 bytes of RAM. I've made it allocate no more than 1024 records for sub regexes as I find it difficult to imagine anyone needing more than that. -- My Main Blog http://etbe.coker.com.au/ My Documents Blog http://doc.coker.com.au/
Description: application/shellscript