reassign 665531
retitle 665531 RM: gfccore -- RoQA; RC buggy, dead upstream, unmaintained


seeing that this particular RC bug report hasn't seen any response from 
the maintainer, the last upload was an NMU and the last maintainer
upload is 4 years old, and given that upstream is pretty much dead
(last upstream release 2004), it looks to me as this package should be
removed. popcon is also on the low side.

gfccore has one rdep, gfcui, which basically builds another library that
isn't used anywhere (no rdeps) and also looks unmaintained.
So gfcui should be removed together with gfccore.

Goedson, if you still have interest in maintaining those two packages,
please speak up.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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