On 24.01.2012 03:41, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Triggered by this, gnome-session shows the "Oh something went wrong"
> screen making it impossible to save work, although the session is
> absolutely fine working, just the settings are not applied. I see 
> all the work I was doing in the overview of gnome-shell, but I cannot
> save it.


> as an aside, you can hit 'alt-spacebar' and minimize the fail whale, or alt-f4
> and close it.

Btw, I can't really reproduce the issue, that a segfaulting
gnome-settings-daemon causes the fail-whale to show up, that is the
session is closed.

I'm wondering if there is something else going on and this is is due to
a special configuration/setup on your side.

Can you reproduce the fail-whale on g-s-d segfaults with a fresh user

Can you also please either try to get a backtrace or a core dump.
Instructions have been given in the previous emails.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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