reassign 648317
retitle  648317 RM: warsow -- RoQA: FTBFS on release architectures, unmaintained
severity 648317 normal

Hi dear Warsow maintainers,

So now we are past the two-weeks ultimatum, so here I am for the actual
removal request of warsow (and warsow-data fwiw).

FTP-Masters: reasoning is below, quoted from #648317.

Le jeudi, 10 novembre 2011 15.59:20, Didier Raboud a écrit :
> A quick look at it reveals that:
> - It has 3 FTBFS bugs on various release architectures: ia64 (#593700),
>   kfreebsd-* (#564108) and hurd (#564109), all without answer since more
>   than ten months (while all have patches).
> - No new upstream release made it in Squeeze.
> - It is out-dated with regards to upstream versions (0.50 is almost 2 years
>   old).
> - Its bugs have seen no response in 2011.
> I personally think it should be removed from Debian, both unstable and
> testing, but after a short chat on #debian-games, here am I with a
> "discussion bug".
> (…)
> Proposed timeline: 2 weeks open for discussion. Without people volunteering
> to provide updates to warsow (by marking this bug as "-done"), I will
> reassign this bug to FTP-Masters for the removal.


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