On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 10:20:23PM -0700, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> What was done before was the line was scanned for anything which
> resembles an IP address.  What I am suggesting is a regex which
> specifies where in the line the IP address should be.  
how would you specify "where"? if you are thinking about something like
from <IP regex> or fixed position, that will not work, because
intruder can provide a login name with "from <IP regex>" and log line is

Oct  4 09:41:14 sonyboy sshd[18226]: Invalid user from from
Oct  4 09:41:14 sonyboy sshd[18226]: Failed none for invalid user from 
from port 52417 ssh2

So, as I said, I don't see a generic way around that besides using fully
specified regex'es. May be upstream will have something nice in mind

To say the truth python regexes are not that diificult. May be I should
provide a "crash-course" on them in 5-10 lines in the config file
describing used by me constructs. Something like

 [...] -- set of symbols
 \S -- non-space symbol
 . -- any symbol
 ? -- 0 or 1 occurance of patter
 * -- 0 or more occurances of previous regex
 {n,m} -- from n to m occurances of the pattern
 | -- logical OR -- matching any of the mentioned patterns within a
 (?:...) -- group which doesn't enter the set of numbered/named groups
 (?P<name1>...) -- named as "name1" group. Curently all named groups are
                  considered as placeholders of IP addresses

Would it make easier to grasp failregex'es now?
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