Jonathan Nieder wrote:

> Hi,
> Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > --- /usr/bin/xpdf   2011-07-28 06:29:44.000000000 +0200
> > +++ xpdf    2011-07-29 16:36:38.000000000 +0200
> > @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
> >  elif [ "$cat" = "cat" ]; then
> >      $cmd -title "$title" "$file" $pages
> >  else
> > -    tmp=$(tempfile -p "$(basename "$file")" -s .pdf)
> > +    tmp=$(tempfile -s .pdf)
> >      $cat "$file" > "$tmp"
> >      trap "rm -f \"$tmp\"" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM 
> This is still vaguely vulnerable if a malicious or incompetent person
> has control of TMPDIR (which I admit is far-fetched).  Wasn't the
> original intent closer to
>       trap "rm -f -- \"\$tmp\"" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM
> which prevents the variable from being interpolated in advance at all?

The problem was never that an attacker had control of /tmp (it was
that an attacker had control of the pdf's file name). If the attacker
has control of /tmp and all can generate any file name permutation in
time to get his malicious version in place of the intended one, then
the real issue is that tmpfile's file name generation is weak, and the
problem would need to fixed there.

Best wishes,

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