"James R. Van Zandt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Your package did show up on this list and we propose to orphan
>> it. There are not very many users, the last upload was two years ago
>> and it's rc-buggy.
> Hmm.  Actually my records show I uploaded version 0.3.0-9 last August,
> which was supposed to have fixed #259615:
> vanzandt:/usr/local/src/pspp$ ls -lt *upload
> -rw-r--r--  1 jrv jrv 429 Sep 24 17:56 pspp_0.4.0-1_i386.upload
> -rw-r--r--  1 jrv jrv 357 Aug  5  2004 pspp_0.3.0-9_i386.upload
> -rw-rw-r--  1 jrv jrv 357 Aug 25  2003 pspp_0.3.0-8_i386.upload
> -rw-rw-r--  1 jrv jrv 297 Mar 23  2002 pspp_0.3.0-7_i386.upload
> I don't know how that failed to make it into the archive.  

You should have received a reject mail about that.

> I don't see an RC bug anywhere.

#259615 is an RC bug which is still open in the BTS. You tried to close
it with your last upload, but this changelog entry won't work:
   * New upstream release (fixes: Bug#259615,Bug#328545)

The regex used to find out which bugs an uploads closes doesn't match
here. [1] Please close the two bugs manually (by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED])
and use "closes: #111, #222" in the future.


[1] It's /closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*\d+)*/ig

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