retitle 328584 RM: termcap-compat -- RoQA; old, obsolete, unneeded
severity 328584 normal
reassign 328584
merge 328584 323139

Roger Leigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 11:15:05AM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
>> During the Debian QA meeting hold during Sept. 09th till 11th, we
>> decided that looking at packages that haven't been uploaded for a very
>> long time could cover up some QA problems.
>> I've done this now and your package showed up on the list. I propose
>> to remove it.
>> It has no rdepends anymore, is *really* old and isn't installed very
>> often.
> The last one was removed a week ago (cmucl-source).  It's one of the
> libc5 compatibility packages, which are already due to be removed
> (see #323139).

Ah, thanks for the notice. I'm merging the bug reports.

BOFH #382:
Someone was smoking in the computer room and set off the halon

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