Hi Stefan,

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 09:09:03 +0000, Stefan Schlesinger <s...@ono.at> wrote:
> seems like the red5-server package is broken for some reason. I tried to
> install it,
> on a clean Debian/squeeze system but it doesn't install or start
>     Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>     javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet
> I checked the command line executed by red5.sh and it results to this:
> /usr/bin/java \
>   -Dpython.home=lib \
>   -Dred5.root=/usr/share/red5/ \
>   -Dlogback.ContextSelector=org.red5.logging.LoggingContextSelector \
>   -Dcatalina.useNaming=true -Djava.security.debug=failure \
>   -cp /usr/share/red5//boot.jar:/usr/share/red5//conf:
>   org.red5.server.Bootstrap
> Note: after installation of the sun-java package no JAVA_HOME or
> are set, I'd expect the -cp paramter to be longer usually?

Red5 use some bootstraping to feed its classpath : 
AFAIR, everything inside /usr/share/red5/lib/ is included into this
dynamic classpath.

> FYI: Since its a test system, I could as well provide you with root
> to this host.

I will test on my own Squeeze system. If really needed, I'll get back to
you to get access to your host.

> Here is the more verbose output of the red5.log. I could as well send
> the full log, but its
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet

Can you send me :
- ls -la /usr/share/red5/lib/
- dpkg -l | grep *servlet*
- dpkg -l | grep *glassfish*

Thanks in advance,

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