Reinhard Tartler dijo [Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 09:27:23AM +0100]:
> tags 612482 + patch
> thanks
> Hi Gunnar,
> I've prepared an NMU for cherokee (versioned as 1.0.20-1.1). I didn't
> upload it yet because of #612558, which I'm unsure how to deal
> with. Could you please have a look at it?

Hi Reinhard,

I'm sorry for the long time without paying attention to this bug -
I'll work on it today. It looks sadly too trivial to be meaningful,
but hey - There must be some reasoning on why I put that line you are
removing! I promise to look into it today, and build in a pbuilder
environment and all that.

As for uploading your version: There has been a major upstream release
I will be packaging, so... Save the buildds some work, I'll upload


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