Dear Adam,

> It would be more helpful if you checked, before filing grave bugs on
> packages.

I apologize for my laziness. I do not normally use fuse. Maybe I could
set up a test machine, but (unless succeeded in the exploit) would not
properly know whether Debian was safe. I thought it was better to warn
now, than leave blissfully vulnerable.

> This sounds very much like CVE-2009-3297, which has been fixed in
> unstable, testing and stable since February (see DSA-1989-1).

The page  refers to  which says:
  a race condition if two fusermount -u instances are run in paralell
so that does not seem to be the same issue.

The page  points
to  which
mentions "a symlink attack", which may be closer to this issue.

I would expect DSA-1989 to have been adopted and fixed by Ubuntu,
where the original poster says he found the issue.

Cheers, Paul

Paul Szabo
School of Mathematics and Statistics   University of Sydney    Australia

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