Hi Lincoln,

> Stefan, the upstream author, answered my email asking about swf source
> files. He said that, as written in the AUTHORS file, all swf files were
> taken from Gabber (that is GPL'ed) and partially converted.
> He also said that hi does not remember which tool he has used. But with
> a quick search through the internet, I've fount the wave2swf program
> that seems to be exactly what we want. The problem: It's not packaged
> to debian.

Is it wav2swf instead of wave2swf, isn't it? It is a part of swftools
and it was already in Debian, but was removed [0].

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=583982

> Adding the original wav files to jwchat source is enough to close this
> bug?

No! We need to include and use wav files and then remove the swf files.
The easier alternative is remove the swf files and no longer play
sounds. =/ 

> ps.: I had no time to work on the html5 version yet :(



Marcelo Jorge Vieira

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