sön 2010-07-18 klockan 18:46 +0200 skrev Helmut Grohne:
> Package: fetch-crl
> Version: 2.8.5-1
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> # cat /etc/cron.d/fetch-crl 
> # Cron job running by default every 6 hours.
> # The lock file can be enabled or disabled via a
> # service fetch-crl-cron start
> # chkconfig fetch-crl-cron on
> # Note the lock file not existing is success hence the the slightly odd logic
> # below.
> 22 */6 * * *    root    [ ! -f /var/lock/fetch-crl-cron ] || 
> /usr/sbin/fetch-crl -r 20 -a 24 --quiet
> # /usr/sbin/fetch-crl -r 20 -a 24 --quiet; echo $?
> fetch-crl[17688]: 20100718T184545+0200 '/etc/grid-security/certificates' is 
> not a directory or cannot be written
> 2
> #
> Of course this crap gets delivered four times a day as email.
> Helmut


The cron runs fetch-crl with the --quiet flag, which suppresses warnings
but prints errors.

The developers considers this to be an error rather than a warning. Do
you not consider this to be a valid error message? Would you rather see
it fail silently?

Could you please explain why you consider the output of an error message
to "render the package unusable"?


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