Hi there, Giovanni and others.

On 07/03/2010 07:48 PM, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:
> I'm interested in having sagemath in Debian.

I am too. This past week I needed to perform some quite messy computations and
the lack of something to make them automatic was frustrating.

> I'm not a sagemath power user and maybe should learn a bit of the many
> technologies used to build it in order to maintain it, but I have no problems
> in learning what I need (even if this can take time).

I am also willing to learn stuff and even better if I can share what I already 

> Tim, if you can explain a bit how you used to maintain sagemath, I could get
> that as a starting point for the new package.

Tim, did you receive Giovanni's e-mail?

BTW, I will be at this year's DebConf and I hope to be able to work on this, at
least to get something started.


Rogério Brito : rbr...@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8
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