On 06/16/2010 01:51 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 13:56:15 +0200, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
this test failure seems to have disappeared in the current version,
3.1.3-2, doesn't it?
That failed again.
Can anyone try with the current git version please (or at least use the
attached test_langmap_main.cpp file to be put in lib/tests directory)?
or am I allowed to access the build system myself?
thanks in advance
Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino
ICQ# lbetto, 16080134 (GNU/Linux User # 158233)
HOME: http://www.lorenzobettini.it MUSIC: http://www.purplesucker.com
BLOGS: http://tronprog.blogspot.com http://longlivemusic.blogspot.com
http://www.gnu.org/software/gengen http://doublecpp.sourceforge.net
* Tests for language inference, class LanguageInfer
#include "srchilite/langmap.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include "asserttestexit.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace srchilite;
LangMap langmap(BASEDIR "test.map");
static void testMapFromFileName(const string &input, const string &expected);
void testMapFromFileName(const string &input, const string &expected) {
string mapped = langmap.getMappedFileNameFromFileName(input);
cout << input << " mapped to: " << mapped << endl;
assertEquals(expected, mapped);
int main() {
cout << BASEDIR << "test.map contents: " << endl;
testMapFromFileName("foo.C", "cpp.lang");
testMapFromFileName("foo.c", "c.lang");
testMapFromFileName("Makefile.am", "makefile.lang");
testMapFromFileName("Makefile", "Makefile.lang");
testMapFromFileName("/my/long/path/Makefile", "Makefile.lang");
testMapFromFileName("makefile", "makefile.lang");
testMapFromFileName("ChangeLog", "changelog.lang");
set<string> langs = langmap.getLangNames();
set<string> langfiles = langmap.getMappedFileNames();
cout << "lang names: " << endl;
ostringstream Langs;
copy(langs.begin(), langs.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(Langs, " "));
cout << Langs.str() << endl;
assertEquals("C ChangeLog Makefile am c changelog makefile ", Langs.str());
cout << "lang def file names: " << endl;
copy(langfiles.begin(), langfiles.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(Langs, " "));
cout << Langs.str() << endl;
assertEquals("Makefile.lang c.lang changelog.lang cpp.lang makefile.lang ", Langs.str());
cout << "test_langmap: SUCCESS" << endl;
return 0;