Hi Kurt,

On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 01:04:22AM +0200, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> I would like to get a new version of ghc6 into unstable soon.
> I think it's best to build the current version with gcc 3.3.
> Upstream seem to be taking a while to get the new release out

Yeah; the release seemed imminent on the 11th, but this was shortly
followed by Mrs Upstream, with complete disregard for the release
schedule, giving birth.

I'm afraid I don't have a good estimated release date now, but I think
he'll be back at work soon.

Unfortunately at each stage I've been under the impression the release
will probably have happened before m68k has built everything, making
spending time on uploading a new 6.4 et al an unattractive proposition.

Believe me, I'm as frustrated by this as you. But at the same time, I
don't think Debian is in a position to throw stones regarding such
matters  :-)

> that should work with gcc 4.0, and I'm not really sure how stable
> that is going to be on all arches we have.  Looking at the
> changelog, it seems that it already had it share of problems with
> compiler versions.

*nod*; I've done prerelease builds on a couple of arches, so I'm hoping
that won't be a problem this time round.

> There are going to be some problems getting this build in any
> case.  ghc6 build-depends on itself, which currently means it
> depends on libgmp3, and that of course conflicts with
> libgmp3c2/libgmp3-dev.  This means someone will have to build all
> those things manually on all arches.
> How to get around this and get a working version:

An alternative is to install everything but the Haskellish packages,
unpack the debs of the things you are missing and:

sed -i "s#/usr/#`pwd`/usr/#g" usr/bin/*
for p in usr/lib/ghc-*/package.conf.shipped
do sed -e "s#/usr/\(lib\|share\)/ghc#`pwd`&#g" \
                       < "$p" > `echo "$p" | sed "s/\.shipped$//"`
for f in usr/bin/*6
    ln -s `echo "$f" | sed "s#.*/##"` `echo "$f" | sed "s/6$//"`

and set PATH accordingly. This has the advantage (for me, at least) of
not needing twiddling as root.

> I'll can do an NMU of this if you want.

Please feel free.


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