On Sun, Aug 28, 2005 at 10:41:52PM +0100, Justin B Rye wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 13, Enrico Zini wrote:
> > Oh!  That's a bad bug, security-related, critical severity.  Could you
> > please report it?
> Sorry about the delay.  I can't see quite how the exploit would
> work, even as a "grave" user-versus-user attack, but it smells
> vaguely of buffer-overflow risk as well as being a violation of
> policy 10.9 and generally bad behaviour.

Thanks for reporting.  I pinged upstream pointing him at the report, I
hope he gets back to me quickly.

It can surely be used to fill up disk space on a DoS attack.  I don't
know anything about Ocaml's serialisations methods so I can't say if
this could be exploited to cause a buffer overflow.

In the meantime, the problem seems to be in io.ml, line 65:

     Unix.chmod tmp 0o666;

I've asked upstream if he can see any problems in just removing that



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