On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 02:31:29PM +0200, henry atting wrote:
> correctly. Then a  simple `./hledger' should display my ledger file with
> accounts and the according totals -- with the euro currency symbol.
> It should look like this:
>         €4.50  misc
> But no, the currency symbol is substituted:
>         â¬4.50  misc

Looks like hledger is a CLI program.  Have you checked your terminal
settings?  I'm using xterm myself and the quickest way to check that
it's enabled for UTF-8 is to hold control and the right mouse button.
The menu should have UTF-8 checked for that to display correctly.

> In ghci:
> whatareumlauts = "ä, ö and ü"
> *Main> whatareumlauts 
> "\228, \246 and \252"

That triggers the Show instance of String, which escapes anything
non-ASCII.  Try putStrLn.

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