Hello from Thailand Mini-DebCamp 2010 BSP.

Could you try the following patch?

I skip all block of shell script prerotate,postrotate,firstrotate, and
--- logrotate-3.7.8.orig/config.c
+++ logrotate-3.7.8/config.c
@@ -569,7 +569,23 @@
 		    message(MESS_ERROR, "%s:%d } expected \n",
 			    configFile, lineNum);
 		    return 1;
-		} else if (*start == '\n') {
+		} else if (!strncmp(start, "postrotate", 10)) {
+                        while (strncmp(start, "endscript", 9))
+                                start++;
+                        start+=9;
+                } else if (!strncmp(start, "prerotate", 9)) {
+                        while (strncmp(start, "endscript", 9))
+                                start++;
+                        start+=9;
+                } else if (!strncmp(start, "firstrotate", 11)) {
+                        while (strncmp(start, "endscript", 9))
+                                start++;
+                        start+=9;
+                } else if (!strncmp(start, "lastrotate", 10)) {
+                        while (strncmp(start, "endscript", 9))
+                                start++;
+                        start+=9;
+                } else if (*start == '\n') {

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