tags 558983 + patch

I forwardported some code from waf 1.5.0, which allows to build stuff without using threads. With the attached patch, xmms2 has been successfully built on the hppa porterbox (whereas build was crashing or hanging without it).

Jakub Wilk
Description: Disable parallel build on hppa architecture.
Origin: http://code.google.com/p/waf/source/browse/tags/waf-1.5.0/playground/serial.py
Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/558983
Last-Update: 2010-03-22

--- xmms2-0.7DrNo.orig/wafadmin/Runner.py
+++ xmms2-0.7DrNo/wafadmin/Runner.py
@@ -217,3 +217,100 @@ class Parallel(object):
 		#print loop
 		assert (self.count == 0 or self.stop)
+class Serial(object):
+	def __init__(self, bld, j=1):
+		self.manager = bld.task_manager
+		self.outstanding = []
+		# progress bar
+		self.total = self.manager.total()
+		self.processed = 0
+		self.error = 0
+		self.switchflag = 1 # postpone
+		self.consumers = None
+	# warning, this one is recursive ..
+	def get_next(self):
+		if self.outstanding:
+			t = self.outstanding.pop(0)
+			self.processed += 1
+			return t
+		# handle case where only one wscript exist
+		# that only install files
+		if not self.manager.groups:
+			return None
+		(_, self.outstanding) = self.manager.get_next_set()
+		if not self.outstanding: return None
+		return self.get_next()
+	def postpone(self, tsk):
+		self.processed -= 1
+		self.switchflag *= -1
+		# this actually shuffle the list
+		if self.switchflag>0: self.outstanding.insert(0, tsk)
+		else:                 self.outstanding.append(tsk)
+	def start(self):
+		debug('runner: Serial start called')
+		while 1:
+			# get next Task
+			tsk = self.get_next()
+			if tsk is None: break
+			if Logs.verbose: debug('runner: retrieving %r' % tsk)
+			st = tsk.runnable_status()
+			if st == ASK_LATER:
+				debug('runner: postponing %r' % tsk)
+				self.postpone(tsk)
+				continue
+			#continue
+			if st == SKIP_ME:
+				tsk.hasrun = SKIPPED
+				self.manager.add_finished(tsk)
+				continue
+			tsk.position = (self.processed, self.total)
+			# display the command that we are about to run
+			tsk.generator.bld.printout(tsk.display())
+			# run the command
+			if tsk.__class__.stat: ret = tsk.__class__.stat(tsk)
+			else: ret = tsk.run()
+			self.manager.add_finished(tsk)
+			# non-zero means something went wrong
+			if ret:
+				self.error = 1
+				tsk.hasrun = CRASHED
+				tsk.err_code = ret
+				if Options.options.keep: continue
+				else: return -1
+			try:
+				tsk.post_run()
+			except OSError:
+				self.error = 1
+				tsk.hasrun = MISSING
+				if Options.options.keep: continue
+				else: return -1
+			else:
+				tsk.hasrun = SUCCESS
+		if self.error:
+			return -1
+import subprocess
+p = subprocess.Popen(['dpkg', '--print-architecture'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+arch = p.stdout.read().strip()
+if arch == 'hppa':
+	Parallel = Serial

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