severity 571442 normal
tag 571442 moreinfo

I demand that Roland Eggner may or may not have written...

> update to libxine1_1.1.18.1-1 leaves the problem UNMODIFIED:
> xine audio output level too low
> in xine gui I cannot increase audio output level via keyboard
> in xine gui I cannot increase audio output level via menu command

Which audio output plugin? (You could always try a different one.)

> is there a possibility to tell this BTS, that this is a bugreport against 
> libxine1_1.1.17-1+b1 and libxine1_1.1.18.1-1 and NOT against 
> libxine1_1.1.17-1 ?

That it occurs in .17-1+b1 but not .17-1 says that something external to
xine-lib is causing this.

| Darren Salt            | linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
| using Debian GNU/Linux | or ds    ,demon,co,uk    | Northumberland | Army
| + It's 1984.

I'd like to, but I have to answer all of my "occupant" letters.

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