On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 08:21:35PM -0500, Mike Hokenson wrote:
> If it only contains the NULL pointer check, it won't (already tried), Rick 
> will probably be able to confirm this when he updates. I'm not familiar 
> with the mirroring system, do you think it'll appear shortly or is there a 
> place I can go to get packages that are pending approval?

Yes, I noticed that already. In any case, I've uploaded -91 just now
fixing that and some other segfaults that the people at Fedora have
fixed (patch for those is in the mail). Rick will be able to confirm
that when he updates tomorrow if he is using the main site, if he
is using a mirror it might take some more.



PS: BTW, Rick is not reading me because Verizon is blocking my mail

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