On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 11:25:18AM +0200, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Hi Duncan,
> could you please have a look on the version of DCC in sid/etch/sarge
> first.
> The version of DCC in Debian is the latest version before upstream
> changed its license. 

I understand this, but as I mentioned, it's my understanding that
previous versions still infringe on the patent, and upstream only
changed the license when Commtouch informed them of the patent.

So, somebody that sells an anti-spam solution is not permitted to use
the code *of any version* without licensing the patent from Commtouch.

I suppose in countries other than the U.S., the version of DCC in
Debian is free.

Can somebody from debian-legal, who actually understands these things,
comment? (I don't understand these things nearly as well as I should.)

[ I'm not reopening the bug, though it perhaps should be reopened... ]

Duncan Findlay

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