severity 561477 wishlist
retitle 561477 please improve the debconf question about web server

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Patrick Schoenfeld
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 05:44:28PM +0200, Teodor MICU wrote:
>> Ok, now I see that this is a way of disabling that symlink. Still, I
>> would like to have the '/etc/cacti/apache.conf' file for reference to
>> update my custom config which simply restricts the access to Intranet.
> which should be totally unrelated. Usually the file
> /etc/cacti/apache.conf should be installed together with the package
> while the symlink is created because you asked it, to.
>> > So sorry for the noise, except that I still not understand why
>> > people answer a priority high question with "Configure my webserver:
>> > apache2" just for removing the symlink, it results into after, that.
>> The debconf question is "Which kind of web server should be used by
>> cacti?" so I answered "apache2". Maybe this question should be updated
>> to better describe its meaning?
> Well, it also says "Select 'None' if you would like to configure your
> webserver by hand." but I agree that the wording of the question
> could be more clear.

I'm proposing the following clarification. You can modify it as you
consider the best since I'm not a native English speaker.

"Which kind of web server should be used by cacti?

Select "None" if you would like to configure your webserver by hand."

    replace with

"Important: the default cacti configuration allows public access from
Internet. You can see the default configuration file that can be used
for apache/apache2 in /etc/cacti/apache.conf.

On which web server should cacti be enabled by default?
Select "None" if you would like to configure your web server by hand."


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