On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 08:27 +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Robert Collins <robe...@robertcollins.net> (20/12/2009):
> > Thank you for drawing my attention to this bug.
> You're very welcome.
> > I'm not the maintainer, and uploaders don't get copied on new bugs,
> > so I wasn't aware of it. I certainly shall address this promptly.
> So what? Comaintainers are supposed to be subscribed to the PTS and
> receive mails related to the packages they're supposed to
> maintain.

It would be nice if the PTS mailed me, but it doesn't, for whatever

>  I'm not sure how you're supposed to be considered a
> comaintainer if you don't do so. Not to mention that keeping an eye on
> the buildd status of your packages might help making sure they migrate
> to testing at some point.
> > I don't know if you intended to be sarcastic in your reply, but I
> > felt you were being sarcastic, and that slightly diminished the
> > favour you did me by drawing my attention to this bug.
> Desperate would rather be the word.

Well, hopefully you will be happy to contact me with less feeling of
desperation if a future, similar situation arises.


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