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On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 01:34:29PM -0200, Renato S. Yamane wrote:
> Em 29-11-2009 13:18, Anton Zinoviev escreveu:
>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:52:59AM -0200, Renato S. Yamane wrote:
>>> Now, slash (/) and ccedilla (ç) works fine on console, BUT now, when I
>>> press backspace it give me "3 losang (⧫⧫⧫)" and tilde followed by word
>>> "a" give me "È and 2 losang (È⧫⧫)"
> No. The big problem is with slash (/), that is placed in CTRL_R place.
> So, in console, when I type "/", it is interpreted like a CTRL_R.

Please describe what happens with the right Control key if you remove 
cached.kmap.gz and invoke 'setupcon' as root.  I can't understand what 
you wrote.  Does right Control always behave as right Control and 
doesn't produce "/"?  Or it produces "/" but then something weird 
happens when you use Backspace?  Does it happen only on the console?

> Th problem is not in kernel, because the kernel is not updated in my  
> last "aptitude upgrade".

I meant that Backspace doesn't work well with some symbols when the 
console is in Unicode mode.  This has always been a problem.

>> Tell them that br(thinkpad) doesn't exist in 
>> /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.xml
> But my keyboard is working fine on X.
> The problem is in console.

The keyboard configuration programs (including keyboard-configuration) 
will not show br(thinkpad) as a possible option.  I reported the 
problem (

Anton Zinoviev

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