
I'm afraid I'm just back from a couple of weeks out of the country and
with very limited email contact.  During this time, my packages were
(rightfully) rejected from the NEW queue, and the 0-day NMU policy took
effect, under which you NMU-ed my packages.  I had not foreseen this
change, since I figured, my old packages are fine, the new ones will go
in "when they're ready".

Unfortunately, this had the detrimental effect of assigning the -c2
label to library packages with only one binary change: the new C++ ABI.
If you read debian-beowulf, you know that I have been preparing a 1.2.7
upload with c2 which also includes removal of the slog library (by
upstream) and addition of fortran 90 libs using the new gfortran

Since upstream has not changed its library sonames (in spite of removing
slog, on which mpe used to depend), your NMU would force me to use a new
non-standard change to the library package name to account for these

Therefore, is there any way to retract your NMU packages from the NEW
queue?  (Actually, I don't see them there, but they should be because
they involve renamed packages...)  This would make my life much easier.
I'll have new 1.2.7 packages available by tomorrow, to replace the ones
you uploaded; if simply uploading mine will make this happen then I'll
do that.

Oh well, I suppose it's my fault for not getting my updated c2 packages
uploaded within the few days between the gcc 4.0 upgrade and my travel.
Thanks for the emails and NMU, I hope we can pull back or replace, and I'll use (some version of) your patch (with attribution
of course) in my 1.2.7 packages.



On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 02:16 +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> tag 320891 +patch
> tag 321052 +patch
> tag 321093 +patch
> tag 321158 +patch
> thanks
> Hello Adam,
>   I've prepared a non-maintainer upload to fix the various RC bugs
>   reported against the mpich source package. It is based on the
> version you uploaded a month ago, which was recently
>   rejected from the NEW queue.
>   I attach the NMU diff and, for your convenience, an diff of the result
>   of applying the new 18_link_against_needed_libs.dpatch, so it can be
>   read more easily.
>   As the diff is sort of big, I will wait a bit before making the upload
>   despite being in 0-day NMU policy; I'd really like to upload (or not)
>   after having heard from you, but note that I can't wait indefinitely.
>   So please let me know if there are any problems with the proposed
>   patch I should fix before uploading, or if you'll be making an upload
>   yourself _soon_.
>   Hoping being of help,

GPG fingerprint: D54D 1AEE B11C CE9B A02B  C5DD 526F 01E8 564E E4B6

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