severity 481123 wishlist

Excerpts from Andreas Amann's message of Mon Oct 26 07:51:55 -0400 2009:
> This seems not justified, and the better solution is in my opinion to
> simply not offer urxvtcd as x-terminal-emulator alternative.

I think you're right -- I was trying to implement Martin's suggestion,
but it seems like (a) I don't have the libev-fu to hack it (b) it
would be hairy enough (touching the rxvt_term class, not just the
daemon) that our notoriously prickly upstream would never accept a
patch. I've removed the alternative for 9.06-2 (uploading).

It would still be nice to be able to put it back, I guess, so I'll
leave this open as wishlist if someone else wants to try.
things change.

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