Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> I've packaged (and am about to upload) libvorbisidec (tremor) based on
> upstream's svn revision 16259 (this covers the most recent changeset
> from http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/Tremor)
> However, the new package doesn't seem to resolve the FTBFS for mpd
> 15.3-1 on armel.
> Indeed, there is no instance of OV_CALLBACKS_STREAMONLY in the tremor
> source that i can tell.
> So i'm probably misunderstanding something in the exchange above.  Joey,
> can you point more specifically to the fix from vorbis upstream that
> you're talking about?
> sorry to be slow on the uptake here,

I misread where the fix was. This commit to mpd is where the fix
resides, apparently.


see shy jo

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