sean finney wrote:
> hi, er, sysadmin,


 regarding this problem, what version of rrdtool is the web interface
> configured to use?  if you don't mind, the following information would
> be helpful:

Sorry forgot to specify that, using 1.2.x

> sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf cacti -e 'select * from
> settings'

There you go :

| name                        | value                                     
| path_snmpwalk               | /usr/bin/snmpwalk                         
| path_rrdtool                | /usr/bin/rrdtool                          
| log                         |                                           
| log_graph                   |                                           
| log_create                  | on                                        
| log_update                  |                                           
| log_snmp                    |                                           
| full_view_data_source       | on                                        
| path_snmpget                | /usr/bin/snmpget                          
| path_html_export            |                                           
| guest_user                  | guest                                     
| path_html_export_skip       | 1                                         
| path_html_export_ctr        |                                           
| remove_verification         | on                                        
| use_polling_zones           | on                                        
| full_view_graph_template    | on                                        
| full_view_graph             | on                                        
| full_view_user_admin        |                                           
| full_view_data_template     | on                                        
| ldap_server                 |                                           
| ldap_dn                     |                                           
| user_template               |                                           
| path_php_binary             | /usr/bin/php                              
| snmp_version                | net-snmp                                  
| num_rows_graph              | 30                                        
| max_title_graph             | 80                                        
| max_data_query_field_length | 15                                        
| num_rows_data_source        | 30                                        
| max_title_data_source       | 45                                        
| date                        | 2009-06-09 02:00:03                       
| path_cactilog               | /usr/share/cacti/site/log/cacti.log       
| path_webroot                | /usr/share/cacti/site                     
| rrdtool_version             | rrd-1.2.x                                 
| path_rrdtool_default_font   |                                           
| path_spine                  | /usr/sbin/cactid                          
| poller_enabled              | on                                        
| poller_type                 | 1                                         
| concurrent_processes        | 1                                         
| max_threads                 | 1                                         
| script_timeout              | 25                                        
| availability_method         | 1                                         
| ping_method                 | 2                                         
| ping_timeout                | 400                                       
| ping_retries                | 1                                         
| ping_failure_count          | 2                                         
| ping_recovery_count         | 3                                         
| path_snmpbulkwalk           | /usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk                     
| path_snmpgetnext            | /usr/bin/snmpgetnext                      
| stats_recache               | RecacheTime:5.8811 HostsRecached:1        
| php_servers                 | 1                                         
| max_get_size                | 10                                        
| stats_poller                | Time:9.5486 Method:cmd.php Processes:1
Threads:N/A Hosts:19 HostsPerProcess:19 DataSources:283 RRDsProcessed:166
| poller_lastrun              | 1243932602                                
| auth_method                 | 1                                         

> i don't have a lenny-squeeze upgrade to test now, but i can see about
> setting one up if there isn't an obvious ah-ha after looking at that
> output.

Let me know if you need anything else, right now, we have 2 servers (on 2
sites) using cacti, both migrated from etch to lenny. First one has had
its data wiped out and the second still is using old cacti + rrdtool
packages from etch to keep history.


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