On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 12:24:22PM +0200, Nicolas Boullis wrote:
> Package: freeradius
> Severity: serious
> Justification: fails to build from source

> I have to rebuild freeradius to add PEAP support. UNfortunately, the 
> current source package does not even build from source, since it 
> build-depends on both libltdl3-dev and libtool1.4 | libtool (< 1.5) 
> which cannot be installed together.

http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=&pkg=freeradius suggests it's
building fine.

Given both packages are orphaned, I doubt they've actually changed
such that they're broken.

> I think such a bug is worth fixing in the next sarge point release, as 
> FTBFS are especially annoying for the security team.

Is this a bug against the sarge version, the sid version, or both?

I'm open to receiving buildlogs to demonstrate the issue, but unless
a third package has changed and is interfering (and certainly my
unstable machine's not been forced to uninstall either package
recently) I think this is a misdiagnosis.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
7th year CompSci/Asian Studies student, ANU

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