also sprach S D <> [2009.02.18.0057 +0100]:
> I'd say though that "unchecked configuration file:
> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" doesn't really adequately convey the
> urgency of the situation. I believe I saw this message at some
> point but it didn't alarm me, as in "I know my mdadm.conf file's
> in working state, why would mdadm need to check it again?" The
> message doesn't say mdadm.conf will not be USED at all and the
> system won't be able to assemble the drives. If it did I perhaps
> would've paid more attention to it.

Yours is a bit of a special case: if you didn't have an array across
/dev/sd[abc] that you did not purge, everything would have worked.
Thus, for 90+% people, the solution is adequate. Sorry it caused you
trouble. I always welcome patches to help improve mdadm. :)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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