Rainer Gerhards wrote:
> Hi all,
> thanks for the bug report and your help in narrowing it down. I was on
> vacation and returned today. I have created a patch for this issue (as
> usual, a dumb mistake...). I'd appreciate if you could give it a try.
> Available from rsyslog git (debian_lenny branch):
> http://git.adiscon.com/?p=rsyslog.git;a=commitdiff;h=20ff1ed403f05606b68
> c13e4d5c591c6b8706f86
> In my lab, I could reproduce the issue (well, without an abort,
> unfortunately, but valgrind showed problems). The valgrind run was clean
> after the change. I would appreciate if you could verify in your
> environment. If it looks good, I'll create a new release.

Works for me.

Juha, do you need a Debian package to test this (if so I can provide one)?
Just let me know.

Rainer, I'd like (you) to take a look a #509292 first, before making a new 

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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