Package: cpufreqd
Version: 2.3.3-3
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable

I've been trying to run cpufreqd on a Dell Latitude D530
Laptop with a Intel Core2Duo 2.00Ghz CPU, 3GB of DDR2 RAM
and two attached battery units using the stock Debian kernel
version 2.6.26, but the problem is exactly the same with my
custom kernel 2.6.26zlinux (tuned for install on SSD).

Cpufreqd keeps segfaulting when starting up the system:

$ dmesg
cpufreqd[5313]: segfault at 0 ip 7fb47e6941b7 sp 7fff88500a30 error 4 in[7fb47e691000+6000]

Running cpufreqd in foreground (cpufreqd -D -V7):

$ cpufreqd -D -V7
get_kversion             : read kernel version 2.6.26zlinux.
get_kversion             : kernel version is 2.6.
get_cpu_num              : found 2 CPUs
main                     : Limits for cpu0: MIN=800000 - MAX=2001000
main                     : Limits for cpu1: MIN=800000 - MAX=2001000
init_configuration       : reading configuration file 
discover_plugins         : found plugin: apm
discover_plugins         : found plugin: sensors
discover_plugins         : found plugin: nforce2
discover_plugins         : found plugin: pmu
discover_plugins         : found plugin: programs
discover_plugins         : found plugin: tau
discover_plugins         : found plugin: acpi
discover_plugins         : found plugin: exec
discover_plugins         : found plugin: cpu
discover_plugins         : found plugin: governor_parameters
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "apm".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "apm-apm_plugin".
apm_init                 : /proc/apm: No such file or directory
load_plugin_list         : plugin failed to load: apm
load_plugin_list         : discarded plugin apm
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for 
plugin "sensors".
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "sensors".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "sensors-sensors_plugin".
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: sensors_plugin
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for 
plugin "nforce2".
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "nforce2".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "nforce2-nforce2_atxp1".
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: nforce2_atxp1
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "pmu".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "pmu-pmu_plugin".
pmu_init                 : /proc/pmu/info: No such file or directory
load_plugin_list         : plugin failed to load: pmu
load_plugin_list         : discarded plugin pmu
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for 
plugin "programs".
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "programs".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "programs-programs_plugin".
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: programs_plugin
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "tau".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "tau-tau_plugin".
tau_init                 : /proc/cpuinfo file found
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: tau_plugin
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "acpi".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "acpi-acpi".
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: acpi
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "exec".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "exec-exec".
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: exec
load_plugin              : Loading "/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "cpu".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin "cpu-cpu_plugin".
cpufreqd_cpu_init        : called
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: cpu_plugin
load_plugin              : Loading 
"/usr/local/lib/" for plugin 
get_cpufreqd_object      : Getting plugin object for "governor_parameters".
initialize_plugin        : Initializing plugin 
gov_parameter_init       : called
gov_parameter_init       : sysfs mount path = /sys
gov_parameter_init       : sysfs path cpu device  = /sys/devices/system/cpu
load_plugin_list         : plugin loaded: governor_parameters
parse_config_general     : poll_interval is 2.0 seconds
parse_config_general     : skipping "verbosity", overridden in the command line.
sensors_post_conf        : using /etc/sensors.conf
nforce2_post_conf        : Unconfigured, exiting.
plugins_post_conf        : Unable to configure plugin nforce2_atxp1, removing
finalize_plugin          : Finalizing plugin "nforce2-nforce2_atxp1".
close_plugin             : nforce2 plugin closed.
acpi_post_conf           : Initializing AC
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : AC is of type Mains
get_class_device_attribute: found online - path 
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : BAT0 is of type Battery
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : BAT1 is of type Battery
acpi_post_conf           : Initializing BATTERY
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : AC is of type Mains
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : BAT0 is of type Battery
clsdev_callback          : Got device BAT0
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : BAT1 is of type Battery
clsdev_callback          : Got device BAT1
acpi_battery_init        : Opening BAT0 attributes
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_full - path 
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_now - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found present - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found status - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found current_now - path 
acpi_battery_init        : Opening BAT1 attributes
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:01/power_supply/BAT1/energy_full (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_full - path 
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:01/power_supply/BAT1/energy_now (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_now - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found present - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found status - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found current_now - path 
acpi_battery_init        : found 2 Batteries
acpi_post_conf           : Initializing TEMPERATURE
find_class_device        : found /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device0
find_class_device        : cooling_device0 is of type LCD
find_class_device        : found /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device1
find_class_device        : cooling_device1 is of type LCD
find_class_device        : found /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device2
find_class_device        : cooling_device2 is of type Processor
find_class_device        : found /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device3
find_class_device        : cooling_device3 is of type Processor
find_class_device        : found /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0
find_class_device        : thermal_zone0 is of type acpitz
acpi_temperature_init    : No thermal zones found
acpi_post_conf           : Initializing EVENT
parse_config_profile     : [Profile] "On Demand High" MAX is 2001000, MIN is 
parse_config_profile     : [Profile] "On Demand Low" MAX is 1600000, MIN is 
parse_config_profile     : [Profile] "Performance High" MAX is 2001000, MIN is 
parse_config_profile     : [Profile] "Performance Low" MAX is 1600000, MIN is 
parse_config_profile     : [Profile] "Powersave High" MAX is 1600000, MIN is 
parse_config_profile     : [Profile] "Powersave Low" MAX is 800000, MIN is 
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword ac (value=on)
acpi_ac_parse            : called with: on
acpi_ac_parse            : parsed: on
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword ac (value=off)
acpi_ac_parse            : called with: off
acpi_ac_parse            : parsed: off
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword battery_interval 
acpi_battery_parse       : called with: 0-30
acpi_battery_parse       : parsed 0-30
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword ac (value=off)
acpi_ac_parse            : called with: off
acpi_ac_parse            : parsed: off
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword battery_interval 
acpi_battery_parse       : called with: 30-70
event_wait               : event thread running.
acpi_battery_parse       : parsed 30-70
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword ac (value=off)
acpi_ac_parse            : called with: off
acpi_ac_parse            : parsed: off
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword battery_interval 
acpi_battery_parse       : called with: 70-100
acpi_battery_parse       : parsed 70-100
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword acpi_temperature 
acpi_temperature_parse   : called with: 55-100
acpi_temperature_parse   : parsed 55-100
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin cpu_plugin handles keyword cpu_interval 
cpu_parse                : cpu interval: 50-100
cpu_parse                : read CPU:2 MIN:50 MAX:100 SCALE:3.00
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin programs_plugin handles keyword programs 
programs_parse           : called with entries xine,mplayer,gmplayer.
insert_tnode             : new node (xine)
programs_parse           : read program xine
insert_tnode             : new node (mplayer)
programs_parse           : read program mplayer
insert_tnode             : new node (gmplayer)
programs_parse           : read program gmplayer
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword battery_interval 
acpi_battery_parse       : called with: 0-100
acpi_battery_parse       : parsed 0-100
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin acpi handles keyword acpi_temperature 
acpi_temperature_parse   : called with: 0-60
acpi_temperature_parse   : parsed 0-60
plugin_handle_keyword    : Plugin cpu_plugin handles keyword cpu_interval 
cpu_parse                : cpu interval: 0-100
cpu_parse                : read CPU:2 MIN:0 MAX:100 SCALE:3.00
init_configuration       : Rule "AC Rule" has Profiles CPU0:Performance High 
CPU1:Performance High 
init_configuration       : Rule "AC Off - Low Battery" has Profiles 
CPU0:Powersave Low CPU1:Powersave Low 
init_configuration       : Rule "AC Off - Medium Battery" has Profiles CPU0:On 
Demand Low CPU1:On Demand Low 
init_configuration       : Rule "AC Off - High Power" has Profiles CPU0:On 
Demand High CPU1:On Demand High 
init_configuration       : Rule "CPU Too Hot" has Profiles CPU0:Performance Low 
CPU1:Performance Low 
init_configuration       : Rule "Movie Watcher" has Profiles CPU0:Performance 
High CPU1:Performance High 
validate_plugins         : sensors plugin is unused.
finalize_plugin          : Finalizing plugin "sensors-sensors_plugin".
close_plugin             : sensors plugin closed.
validate_plugins         : tau plugin is unused.
close_plugin             : tau plugin closed.
validate_plugins         : exec plugin is unused.
finalize_plugin          : Finalizing plugin "exec-exec".
close_plugin             : exec plugin closed.
cpufreqd_loop            : Current time is: 1229872083::513438
insert_tnode             : new node (cpufreqd)
insert_tnode             : new node (bash)
insert_tnode             : new node (su)
insert_tnode             : new node (aterm)
insert_tnode             : new node (buici-clock)
insert_tnode             : new node (unclutter)
insert_tnode             : new node (thunar)
insert_tnode             : new node (dbus-daemon)
insert_tnode             : new node (dbus-launch)
insert_tnode             : new node (ssh-agent)
insert_tnode             : new node (fluxbox)
insert_tnode             : new node (getty)
insert_tnode             : new node (:0)
insert_tnode             : new node (X)
insert_tnode             : new node (xdm)
insert_tnode             : new node (cron)
insert_tnode             : new node (atd)
insert_tnode             : new node (hald-addon-acpi:)
insert_tnode             : new node (hald-addon-cpufreq)
insert_tnode             : new node (hald-addon-input:)
insert_tnode             : new node (hald-addon-dell-backlight)
insert_tnode             : new node (hald-runner)
insert_tnode             : new node (hald)
insert_tnode             : new node (famd)
insert_tnode             : new node (winbindd)
insert_tnode             : new node (uml_switch)
insert_tnode             : new node (stunnel4)
insert_tnode             : new node (smbd)
insert_tnode             : new node (nmbd)
insert_tnode             : new node (nullmailer-send)
insert_tnode             : new node (libvirtd)
insert_tnode             : new node (gpm)
insert_tnode             : new node (cupsd)
insert_tnode             : new node (battery-stats-collector)
insert_tnode             : new node (dnsmasq)
insert_tnode             : new node (avahi-daemon:)
insert_tnode             : new node (ifd)
insert_tnode             : new node (acpid)
insert_tnode             : new node (klogd)
insert_tnode             : new node (syslogd)
insert_tnode             : new node (rpc.idmapd)
insert_tnode             : new node (rpc.statd)
insert_tnode             : new node (portmap)
insert_tnode             : new node (dhclient3)
insert_tnode             : new node (udevd)
insert_tnode             : new node (init)
programs_update          : read 56 processes
acpi_ac_update           : called
acpi_ac_update           : read 
acpi_ac_update           : ac_adapter is on-line
acpi_battery_update      : Re-scanning available batteries
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_class_device         : Closing device 'BAT1'
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_attribute            : closing 
put_class_device         : Closing device 'BAT0'
acpi_battery_exit        : exited.
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : AC is of type Mains
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : BAT0 is of type Battery
clsdev_callback          : Got device BAT0
find_class_device        : found 
find_class_device        : BAT1 is of type Battery
clsdev_callback          : Got device BAT1
acpi_battery_init        : Opening BAT0 attributes
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_full - path 
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_now - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found present - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found status - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found current_now - path 
acpi_battery_init        : Opening BAT1 attributes
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:01/power_supply/BAT1/energy_full (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_full - path 
get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open 
/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:01/power_supply/BAT1/energy_now (No 
such file or directory)
get_class_device_attribute: found charge_now - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found present - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found status - path 
get_class_device_attribute: found current_now - path 
acpi_battery_init        : found 2 Batteries
acpi_battery_update      : BAT0 - present
read_battery             : BAT0 - reading battery levels
read_battery             : BAT0 - remaining capacity: 5200000
acpi_battery_update      : battery life for BAT0 is 109%
acpi_battery_update      : BAT1 - present
acpi_battery_update      : BAT1 - estimating battery life (timeout: 30.00 - 
status: (null))
Speicherzugriffsfehler       /* german locale, it' a segfault! :(  */

Ok, i've already tried to patch cpufreqd_2.3.3-3 with some patch found
on the net:

(Downloaded cpufreqd_2.3.3-3.diff and cpufreqd_2.3.3.orig.tar.gz)
$ tar xvzf cpufreqd_2.3.3.orig.tar.gz
$ patch -p0 < cpufreqd_2.3.3-3.diff
$ cd cpufreqd-2.3.3
$ sudo apt-get install libsensors-dev libcpufreqd-dev
$ patch -p0
Index: src/cpufreqd_acpi.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/cpufreqd/sources2/src/cpufreqd_acpi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 cpufreqd_acpi.c
--- src/cpufreqd_acpi.c 31 Aug 2008 01:17:25 -0000      1.8
+++ src/cpufreqd_acpi.c 1 Oct 2008 12:22:23 -0000
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@
        /* read `clsname` devices */
        devs = sysfs_get_class_devices(cls);
-       if (!cls) {
-               clog(LOG_INFO, "class '%s' not found (%s)\n", clsname,
+       if (!devs) {
+               clog(LOG_INFO, "class device '%s' not found (%s)\n", clsname,
                return -1;

$ ./configure
$ make && sudo make install

But that didn't get me anything further.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 5.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.26zlinux (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: lang=de...@euro, lc_ctype=de...@euro (charmap=ISO-8859-15)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages cpufreqd depends on:
ii  libc6                         2.7-16     GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcpufreq0                   004-2      shared library to deal with the cp
ii  libsensors3                   1:2.10.7-1 library to read temperature/voltag
ii  libsysfs2                     2.1.0-5    interface library to sysfs
ii  lsb-base                      3.2-20     Linux Standard Base 3.2 init scrip

Versions of packages cpufreqd recommends:
ii  acpid                         1.0.8-1    Utilities for using ACPI power man

Versions of packages cpufreqd suggests:
ii  cpufrequtils                  004-2      utilities to deal with the cpufreq

-- no debconf information

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