Thomas Viehmann wrote on Monday 20 October 2008 at 00:00:40:
> Hi,
> it seems that lustre-source builds fine in m-a, so is this bug really RC
> when considered to be lustre's problem?
No.. In my eyes this is not a bug of lustre-source itself but of make-kpkg or 
of kernel-source.... (but more probably the bug can be found in make-kpkg).

If I set the the append to version with --append-to-version "-foobar" with 
make-kpkg this string is added to UTS_RELEASE. 

But after a make -C . prepare this additional string is removed. As discussed 
with Bastian Blank in IRC it seems so that make-kpkg doesn't set this string 
correctly, therefore make -C . prepare ignores it and resets the utsrelease.h 
(And this meant that with m-a it is not longer possible to build any module 
against this kernel. I consider this as RC, what do you think?)

So: In my eyes this is not a bug in lustre-source itself but in any other 
package. I would like to digg further before reassigning it again to another 

Fixing it in lustre-source would be easy: Removing only the make -C $(KSRC) 
prepare call in debian/rules ....


 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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