severity 497042 important

Le Friday 29 August 2008 15:18:33 Jaume Sabater, vous avez écrit :
> Package: mediawiki
> Version: 1:1.13.0-1
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable

Well, not really, mysql users and fresh postgresql users can still use the 

> Using PostgreSQL 8.3.3 and Mediawiki 1.13. Upgraded from Mediawiki 1.12
> to 1.13. Had to execute the populateCategory.php script inside
> maintenance due to the changes made by upstream in the software, so that
> new category and categorylinks tables are populated.
> When doing so, it fails and leaves the pages plenty of corrupted
> information, displaying tons of links/pages that should not be there.
> Please note the segmentation fault at the end. The update.php executed
> before also ended in a segmentation fault error, but seemed to work
> fine.

Ok, this issue seems to come from a custom debian patch.

Could you try with the original file, attached with this mail ?


Attachment: DatabasePostgres.php
Description: application/php

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