Alle giovedì 21 agosto 2008, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ha scritto:

> > So the complete absence of any sound seems do be due to the initial
> > silence contained in some of the songs I have that is extended to the end
> > of the song itself. I've tried this both using timidity and fluidsynth:
> > kmid behaves the same.
> Please clarify me this point: do you have the same behaviour with timidity?
> If so, please tell us and we will reassign the bug.
> Regards, Lisandro.

I think that the problem is not literally the "absence" of any sound from 
kmid, but that it plays just the few notes at the beninning of the song 
producing a sound that lasts "forever". So if the beginning of the song 
contains a chord, I listen to a locked chord (eg: Re-eeeeeeeeeeeee), if the 
beginning has a pause, I listen to nothing.
Kmid behaves in this way just described with any software synthesizer I have 
(Timidity and Fluidsynth). I use Rosegarden as a positive control, to check 
if I've loaded the right modules and softsynth  with soundfonts: every time 
Rosegarden plays well any song.


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