On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 00:05 +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 6. August 2008, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> > On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 15:30 +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
> > > We talked about the python-babel name clash recently. Although I
> > > renamed my package to "python-pybabel" we seem to have a problem here.
> > > As long as python-babel is installed, Python fails to use "my" Babel
> > > package correctly. I assume it's because the EGG-INFO files are both
> > > called "babel" so Python's setuptools can't distinguish between them.
> > > I don't know how PyPi handles that. But I'd like to solve this
> > > conflict.
> >
> > I just realized something.  If I change the name of my package to
> > python-sidl, that won't change the EGG-INFO, right?  It seems we have an
> > inherent conflict, which will make it difficult to install both packages
> > simultaneously. :-(
> Yes, that was my unfortunate point in the last email. I don't know how PyPi 
> or setuptools handle that case. Interestingly if you search PyPi you just 
> find "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Babel/"; which points to "my" (pybabel) 
> package. I assume that "your" babel package is named half-decently but 
> somehow the upstream scre the EGG-INFO name.

Okay.  Before writing upstream, "dpkg -L python-babel" shows everything
in site-packages/sidl[x].  Is there a way I can change my EGG-INFO to
SIDL instead of Babel?  Or would that break everything using it (which
is nothing now, at least no Debian packages)?

> What a waste of time... :)

Not necessarily -- if it lets people internationalize SIDL programs, or
at least install their dependencies simultaneously...

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