Your message dated Sun, 18 May 2008 16:23:26 +0200
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Re: Bug#480972: vulnerable to symlink attacks
has caused the Debian Bug report #481048,
regarding CVE-2008-2266 vulnerable to symlink attacks
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: libuu-dev
Version: 0.5.20-3
Severity: critical
Tags: security upstream

Security team: libuu-dev is a static-only library (see #216593).
klibido, nget and slrn build-depend on libuu-dev, while
libconvert-uulib-perl and kde (I don't know exactly which package,
look in the kdesupport directory) contain an embedded copy.

Pan has an embedded copy too, but it's modified and does not contain
this code.

This code in uulib/uunconc.c is vulnerable to symlink attacks.

  if ((data->binfile = tempnam (NULL, "uu")) == NULL) {
    UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
               uustring (S_NO_TEMP_NAME));
    return UURET_NOMEM;
  if ((dataout = fopen (data->binfile, mode)) == NULL) {


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Description: Digital signature

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Hi Gregor,
* gregor herrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-05-18 15:40]:
> On Tue, 13 May 2008 01:19:19 +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > Security team: libuu-dev is a static-only library (see #216593).
> > klibido, nget and slrn build-depend on libuu-dev, while
> > libconvert-uulib-perl and kde (I don't know exactly which package,
> > look in the kdesupport directory) contain an embedded copy.
> > 
> > This code in uulib/uunconc.c is vulnerable to symlink attacks.
> > 
> >   if ((data->binfile = tempnam (NULL, "uu")) == NULL) {
> >     UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
> >                uustring (S_NO_TEMP_NAME));
> >     return UURET_NOMEM;
> >   } 
> >   
> >   if ((dataout = fopen (data->binfile, mode)) == NULL) {
> I took a look at uulib/uunconc.c in libconvert-uulib-perl and I have
> the impression that it's not vulnerable because it uses mkstemp
> instead of tempnam if available.
> This was also already mentioned in
> Still I'd appreciate if someone who speaks better C than me could
> take a look to verify.

Confirmed, the version of uunconc.c in libconvert-uulib-perl 
is not vulnerable. Added this to the security tracker. 
Thanks for checking!

Attached is an updated patch which ports the changes made in 
libconvert-uulib-perlĀ·to uudeview. Please use this patch 
instead of the other one as the first one misses the second 
tempnam call.

Kind regards
P.S. closing 481048

Nico Golde - - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
For security reasons, all text in this mail is double-rot13 encrypted.
diff -u uudeview-0.5.20/uulib/uunconc.c uudeview-0.5.20/uulib/uunconc.c
--- uudeview-0.5.20/uulib/uunconc.c
+++ uudeview-0.5.20/uulib/uunconc.c
@@ -1311,6 +1311,11 @@
   char *mode, *ntmp;
   uufile *iter;
   size_t bytes;
+  int tmpfd;
+  const char *tmpprefix = "uuXXXXXX";
+  char *tmpdir = NULL;
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
   if (data == NULL || data->thisfile == NULL)
     return UURET_ILLVAL;
@@ -1329,13 +1334,35 @@
     mode = "wbx";	/* otherwise in binary          */
+  if ((getuid()==geteuid()) && (getgid()==getegid())) {
+	  tmpdir=getenv("TMPDIR");
+  }
+  if (!tmpdir) {
+	  tmpdir = "/tmp";
+  }
+  data->binfile = malloc(strlen(tmpdir)+strlen(tmpprefix)+2);
+  if (!data->binfile) {
   if ((data->binfile = tempnam (NULL, "uu")) == NULL) {
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
     UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
 	       uustring (S_NO_TEMP_NAME));
     return UURET_NOMEM;
+  strcpy(data->binfile, tmpdir);
+  strcat(data->binfile, "/");
+  strcat(data->binfile, tmpprefix);
+  if ((tmpfd = mkstemp(data->binfile)) == -1 || 
+	  (dataout = fdopen(tmpfd, mode)) == NULL) {
   if ((dataout = fopen (data->binfile, mode)) == NULL) {
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
      * we couldn't create a temporary file. Usually this means that TMP
      * and TEMP aren't set
@@ -1343,11 +1370,18 @@
     UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
 	       uustring (S_WR_ERR_TARGET),
 	       data->binfile, strerror (uu_errno = errno));
+	if (tmpfd != -1) {
+		unlink(data->binfile);
+		close(tmpfd);
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
     _FP_free (data->binfile);
     data->binfile = NULL;
     uu_errno = errno;
     return UURET_IOERR;
    * we don't have begin lines in Base64 or plain text files.
@@ -1438,8 +1472,8 @@
       UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_MESSAGE,
-		 uustring (S_OPEN_FILE),
-		 iter->data->sfname);
+              uustring (S_OPEN_FILE),
+              iter->data->sfname);
       _FP_strncpy (uugen_fnbuffer, iter->data->sfname, 1024);
@@ -1499,7 +1533,13 @@
   if (data->uudet == BH_ENCODED && data->binfile) {
+	  ntmp = malloc(strlen(tmpdir)+strlen(tmpprefix)+2);
+	  if (ntmp == NULL) {
     if ((ntmp = tempnam (NULL, "uu")) == NULL) {
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
       UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
 		 uustring (S_NO_TEMP_NAME));
       progress.action = 0;
@@ -1513,15 +1553,31 @@
       free (ntmp);
       return UURET_IOERR;
+    strcpy(ntmp, tmpdir);
+    strcat(ntmp, "/");
+    strcat(ntmp, tmpprefix); 
+    if ((tmpfd = mkstemp(ntmp)) == -1 ||
+		(dataout = fdopen(tmpfd, "wb")) == NULL) {
     if ((dataout = fopen (ntmp, "wb")) == NULL) {
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
       UUMessage (uunconc_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
 		 uustring (S_NOT_OPEN_TARGET),
 		 ntmp, strerror (uu_errno = errno));
       progress.action = 0;
       fclose (datain);
+	  if (tmpfd != -1) {
+		  unlink(ntmp);
+		  close(tmpfd);
+	  }
+#endif /* HAVE_MKSTEMP */
       free   (ntmp);
       return UURET_IOERR;
      * read fork lengths. remember they're in Motorola format

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Description: PGP signature

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