reassign 473879 postgresql-common
reassign 473880 postgresql-common
forcemerge 473879 473880
severity normal
tags moreinfo

Hi Pierre,

sorry for the long delay, I was at a conference, and it took some time
to catch up with everything.

Pierre THIERRY [2008-04-02  6:31 +0200]:
> ++ pg_ctlcluster --force 8.2 main stop
> + ERRMSG='pg_ctl : n'\''a pas pu envoyer le signal d'\''arrĂȘt (PID : 3474) : 
> Aucun processus de ce type
> (does not shutdown gracefully, now stopping immediately)pg_ctl : n'\''a pas 
> pu envoyer le signal d'\''arrĂȘt (PID : 3474) : Aucun processus de ce type

This does not happen on a clean installation, thus downgrading the
severity. Apparenlty your server is running, but pg_ctl fails to stop
it with that French error message which I cannot decipher (it does not
come from PostgreSQL, I checked PostgreSQL's translations).

Can you please give me the output of 

 $ pg_lsclusters
 $ ps aux|grep postgres
 $ ls -la /var/run/postgresql
 # cat /var/run/postgresql/*.pid

(Last command as root, please; the others work as normal user)

? Thank you!

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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